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On October 26 and 27, 2024, Bean's will be exhibiting its system for the first time in the north of Germany, in Varel.

Karte Pin

Here are a few impressions of the layout



On 11.11.2023 and 12.11.2023 the 29th Wuppertaler Modelleisenbahntage (Model Train Show) will take place - and Bean's will be there.

After a break due to Corona, the Wuppertaler Modellbahntage can again take place on the grounds of the Wuppertaler Stadtwerke. On Saturday, 11.11.2023 the visit is possible from 10-18 o'clock, on Sunday from 10-17 o'clock.

A nice article about our layout was published on railbook.de. It was written during a visit at the Intermodellbau 2023 in Dortmund.

Here is the link to the article

The Bean's Team thanks you for the nice article on your site:

Here is a longer video with high resolution

Bean's will be presenting its layout at Intermodellbau 2023 in Dortmund, Germany. Here is a short movie:

Bernd Lotz, Andreas Wölfel and since 2012, Stefan Bonus, Dirk Kolowrot, Frank Hilverkus, Harald Günther, Stefan Bückmann and Andreas Görsch, since 2018 Domenic Hartmann and since 2021 Florian Zapadtka and Johannes Fusenig - BEAN`S. It was Andy's dream to build a model railroad layout based on the Union Pacific Railroad. His locomotives based on models of this American railroad company should finally find the appropriate outlet with correspondingly long trains.

We all got to know each other in our railroad club, the Club der Modelleisenbahnfreunde Erkrath e.V. Andy always talked about his dream. At some point he found an open ear with Bernd, because the construction of the landscape appealed to him. The greener part of the Midwest - hills, fields, godforsaken countryside and towns. Andy II, Dirk, Frank, Harry and the Stefans joined in the last few years after seeing the layout..and experiencing driving on it. Since the exhibition in Kaarst, Domenic has joined.

Since March 2017 we finally have a permanent home in Wuppertal where Bean`s can stay built and where we can tinker undisturbed.

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